Kriegsland Weapons Pack

Kriegsland Weapons Pack is, as you should guess, the weapons only version of Kriegsland, the GAA1992 and YukesVonFaust mod that brings and adapts, to Doom, elements from the Wolfenstein franchise, especially The New Order. This means that, with this PWAD, you will be able to take all the Nazi warfare pseudo-science to combat enemies from other mods or just face vanilla monsters if you want.
This Kriegsland's edition doesn't bring any new gimmick next to the complete one, it only removes its monsters and its unique pick-ups. The rest, like weapons, quick melee attacks, grenades, zoom, HUD, dual wielding, double grip, among other original features, everything is present. The custom Kriegsland's items had to be removed to avoid conflict with other mods. This increased the difficulty somewhat, since sometimes the monsters dropped extra stuff. Running quickly out of ammo, something common in GAA1992's mods, makes things even harder.

I'm a Kriegsland's fan, I really enjoy mixing mods with each other and the weapons' controls and visuals are still cool. There's no way I did not have the Kriegsland Weapons Pack. You can get more information and the mods' downloads shown here in the video's description, as usual.


The showcase made in the above video used the following mods: Brutal Doom Monsters Only, Colourful Hell and Crazy Joe Devola (from the last part).


I briefly tested Kriegsland Weapons Pack here in GZDoom (2.2.1, 2.4.0 and 3.5.1) and Zandronum 3.0, with the IWADs from Doom II: Hell on EarthThe Ultimate Doom, Final Doom and from both Freedoom's phases. It seems to work fine with all this, but you gotta notice that this will also depend on the compatibility of the other mods you are intending to combine it with.

GAA1992 also recommends loading Kriegsland Weapons Pack BEFORE the monster packs.

