Dead Marine

Dead Marine is a Doom mod created by Gifty (the same Smooth Doom's developer) that brings a series of visual and sound enhancements to this classic first person shooter, but without changing its gameplay or mechanics.
The PWAD features a new HUD that reveals more information on the screen, animations way smoother than the vanilla's, different sound effects, a gore and blood system, decorative particles, switchable dynamic ambient sounds and other modifications. Dead Marine also has a difficulty level of the same name that activates different and substantially more dangerous monsters than the vanilla ones.

I'd say that Dead Marine sure is giving what it promises. Although it doesn't bring extravagant modifications, the PWAD features several effects that give the game a more sophisticated look, but, as stated earlier, it still provides a nice and harmonious retro-style. In addition, the monsters from the highest difficulty level can be attractive to those who look for harder challenges, but don't want to astray too much from the Doom's vanilla gameplay. Note that the mod is still in beta (and this is the 0.9.4 version). So we may have more stuff here in the future.


The above video is a Dead Marine showcase made in our traditional style. The version used was Dead Marine 0.9.4. Don't forget to turn on the English subtitles if you can't speak Portuguese!

This other video, by it's turn, shows Dead Marine being combined with Army of Darkness - A Simple Monster Mod, showing that you can mix this Gifty's PWAD with enemies packs.


I ran the Dead Marine here on GZDoom (3.7.2 and 4.2.0) and on LZDoom 3.82, with the IWADs from Doom II: Hell on Earth, The Ultimate Doom and Final Doom.

You can use Freedoom if  you don't have any of these registered IWADs. The game won't crash and will be playable, but some monsters' and the punch graphics might look weird. In the hardest difficulty, the enemies problem might be sorted out, though.


  • Dead Marine @ ZDoom - The thread made by Gifty himself, with more info, alternative download links, eventual updates, etc.
  • Dead Marine Redux - A Dead Marine edition that adds more difficulty and focuses on gameplay modifications, but still adds even more visual enhancements.
  • Dead Marine @ Gaming Room - Dead Marine at our main website, with more info, screenshots and stuff. In Portuguese.
  • Mod suggested by Patrick Alam.
